Akia Announces Integration With Jonas Chorum

Akia is excited to announce a direct integration with Jonas Chorum. This integration will enable contactless communication for mutual clients.

Akia is excited to announce a direct integration with Jonas Chorum, a suite of streamlined, intuitive and flexible property management solutions. With this integration, Akia will enable Jonas Chorum clients to leverage contactless communication to keep guests safe and comfortable during their stay. With Akia, mutual clients will also be able to improve hotel ratings, increase revenue through upsell opportunities, market promotional offers to guests, and recover their service when necessary.

“Contactless solutions are no longer just novelties for the hospitality industry – they are critical components for hotels to operate during the ongoing pandemic,” said Evan Chen, CEO of Akia. “We are in this together. This partnership with Jonas Chorum will strengthen and enable hotels across the U.S. to open safely.”

Jonas Chorum increases operating efficiencies by streamlining the management process from beginning to end. With their intuitive and easy-to-use operations solutions, they empower their clients to deliver personalized guest experiences.

“We are pleased to offer a contactless communication solution for our clients to engage with their guests, which has become increasingly more important as a result of the ongoing pandemic and the need to socially distance,” stated Mark Loyd, president of Jonas Chorum. “This integration will truly help streamline hotel operations, leveraging contactless check-in functionality and text message communication, which will empower hotels to deliver the experience travelers today are looking for.”

Jonas Chorum is a suite of cloud-based property management solutions, designed to provide hotels with everything they need to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. Built on the Jonas ARC™ platform, a proven, open integration platform that seamlessly connects all Jonas Hospitality products, as well as third-party systems, Jonas Chorum offers the perfect combination of full-feature tools, affordability, and uptime. The result is a truly holistic solution that is both device and platform agnostic, allowing users to manage single or multiple properties from any location, eliminating the need for on-site IT resources and servers. To learn more about Jonas Chorum, please visit jonaschorum.com.

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Ethan Fishbane

Director of The Front Office, Prince Waikiki

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