A New Contactless Normal for Hoteliers

Akia has developed a digital registration card for hotels to facilitate contactless check-ins while COVID-19 is still widespread.

Ryan K.
Ryan K.

As states begin to relax their restrictions and shelter-in-place orders, many people are hoping their lives can go back to normal. These measures are helping us "flatten the curve", but they are only stopping our healthcare systems from being completely overwhelmed. Epidemic models suggest that in some scenarios the virus may continue to spread over the next five years. And while vaccines for COVID-19 are being developed and tested today, we should be prepared in case vaccines do not hit the market until the end of 2021.

What does this mean for the hotel industry? How will we adapt to the new normal?

Our lives will continue, but many aspects will completely change for the foreseeable future. Social distancing protocols will be incorporated into our lives and how we operate as humans. Stores, public places, and counties are enforcing six-feet of distancing between people as things open up again.

The hospitality industry will also need to adapt to these new social norms. Hotels are doing all they can: deep cleaning every room, forgoing on-property events, installing plexiglass at the front desk, and much more. We are already see an immediate and overwhelming demand from hotels to provide contactless communication with Akia to help ensure that their guests feel safe, comfortable, and confident during their upcoming travel.

when guests sign the digital registration form, the hotel staff gets notified in the chat

In response to these new practices and demands, Akia has developed a new contactless check-in solution. The goal is to help hotels significantly reduce the time guests need to wait in line and check-in by moving part of the process to be digital.

message from Akia asking guest to sign digital registration card

As a communication platform for hotels, we are fully committed to building the best technology and solutions to help hotels better service their guests and overcome these new challenges and norms. Our team of industry experts and engineers are continuing to work closely with our advisory board, which consists of many independent and branded properties across the US, to put great products into the hands of hoteliers and guests.

Stay safe!

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Ryan K.


Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Ethan Fishbane

Director of The Front Office, Prince Waikiki

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Large family groups seek all-inclusive offers. Akia's Mini Apps and booklets are a great way to personalize guest journeys. To help build itineraries and create more meaningful experiences, businesses utilize Mini Apps to share what's new and upcoming and list exciting activities and events.

Akia has helped hotels and vacation rentals

Ryan K.
Ryan K.

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