Tue Sep 08 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Stay Connected with Your Guests Through Akia

Here at Akia, we want to help you give your guests the best experience possible and build strong and lasting relationships with your guests. With that in mind, we have some new updates to help you achieve that goal:

Notification Center: Non-chat based events (tasks, adhoc agreements, etc.) will now create notifications in Notification Center. With this update, you can stay on top of everything and not keep your guests waiting.

notebooks on top of a laptop

Email Template Setting: Email templates can be used in promotions and scheduled messages (e.g. pre-arrival). Guests will receive emails instead of text messages if they have an email listed in their contact. As a helpful application example, you can use this feature to send promotions post-stay to invite guests back to your hotel.

email application on iOS

Room ready: Guests will automatically be notified when the room is ready from AutoClerk, so guests can get into their rooms as soon as possible. Other property management systems are available, too.

a hotel room interior

International SMS: For a non-US phone number, we can enable international SMS for the hotel in Core, if SMS is available and affordable. If enabled, guests with non-US phone numbers will also be imported and messaged.

a globe

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Time is one the greatest asset and one of the things that [Akia] has helped us out as a property tremendously.

Ethan Fishbane

Director of The Front Office, Prince Waikiki

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How does Akia help?

Large family groups seek all-inclusive offers. Akia's Mini Apps and booklets are a great way to personalize guest journeys. To help build itineraries and create more meaningful experiences, businesses utilize Mini Apps to share what's new and upcoming and list exciting activities and events.

Akia has helped hotels and vacation rentals


More relaxing experiences with Akia.

Build your own guest journey that
automates 5 star interactions.